Friday, 29 June 2007

Spice Milfs

K I admit it. I have all their albums. And a few singles as well. And the bloody video of their most popular concert. At the time I didnt know bout hamsapness or was prolly approaching the zone but yea I was wondering why they were always prancing around in skimpy clothes. However, thats not the point coz their songs were actually listenable and their best album was one of the few where every single song was tolerable at the Least (other gems include RHCP and Jay Chou). Is it any wonder they conquered the world. Needless to say, im glad theyre having a reunion - but im hoping they recycle their classics instead of belting out some new half-assed commercial shit. That said, I found this picture comparison amusing =D


Oh yea and stop chuckling, im 100% sure that in at least 3 instances in your life you were humming along to one of their singles. And if u were old enough, maybe another sort of humming.

Friday, 22 June 2007


Look at this kanga. Lets call him Skippy. Cute eh. I like the shade of his body fur. Take a looong good look at him, appreciate him as much as you can - for he's about to disappear.. ---> into MY BELLY muahahahAAHH

This was at an International Festival in Dublin.

Poor Skippy. Nvm, at least he helped settle my hunger pangs. I havent had lunch before I went to the festival.

Actually he didnt taste that good. The aftertaste reeked of expired sausage. At first it tastes like lamb tho. The texture was hard and rough, kinda like solidified haggis. Either way, it was a good experience, one I can add to my gastronomic conquers.

but WAIT.. theres MORE

This is a Feijaoda. I got it from the Brazilian stall. It is a mixture of black beans (hak dau), sausage, bacon, beef and about 10 more ingredients which I cant recall anymore. It tastes like some chinese dishes that use black bean paste. It is powdery and crumbles in your mouth (if sauce can crumble that is, but im serious). Hardly any meat in it so I felt conned, but alter realized maybe the meat is ground up into the gravy. But yea, Ill leave this for Ronaldinho and Kaka to savour.

Monday, 18 June 2007

Two 2s

My bday this year took place over the span of 2 days. 2 Amazing days. Not 1 huge crazy party, just, a series of events cumulating throughout 48 hours.

17th June (wee hours) - Hai Fon visited. Was here for the past 3 days actually. Bundle of fai wah and entertainment he was, Im glad he was around. I had some Hero Siege with the Dotad00ds. Next, Cming, Lai Mun, Haifon and me PS2-NBAed our eyes dry. Till 7 in fact. I pretty much got my ass handed over to me by every one of them. On my own PS2. I'll catch up soon dont worry (sneers).

17th June (3pm) - Woke up and had some Ipoh white coffee. Good shit, especially with cereal. Not mixed, in a bowl - dry, without milk. Out i go for a movie with Hai F , Viccki and Cming. Vacancy. We had a blast laughing at the blasphemous dialogue, plastic acting and overall schlockiness of the whole movie. Rating: Zzzz.
Next we rushed to a casino for the FINAL EUROPEAN MATCH OF MY IDOL - David Robert Joseph Beckham. Real Madrid vs Mallorca for the friggin title. He was the man that brought me into football, his centre parted gold hair and imba freekicks captivating me back when i started feeling bored of burning random objects for fun etc.

We won. He won. I screamed. I teared (diff from cried btw). I embraced all that is good in life.

17 June - (nighttime) Dinner at Happy Seasons for some Ngau Lam Fan. Standard fare but cant complain. Each grain of Fan burst into little pinches of joy. Got home right before 12 am. The moment of reckoning. Lil called. We stayed on the phone till the clock hit 12. Happiness and emoness ensues.

18th June - (am) U know how ppl call u or knock on ur door while ure doing the funky munky in the washroom. That happened. Annoying rite. "Wait, hold on" I bellowed. Face like this -_-. Slapping my hands on my sides I opened my room door. Whaddya know: --->

See those cakes? The job of Yvinne and Charlene. Much appreciated. Thx also to CK, Engtat, Connie, Haifon and the Royal. I don't know why i didnt see that coming. I usually smell it 60 football fields away. Good one guys^^

18th June - (5 am) Watched Hostel. Not Hostel 2. Hostel 1. Great show. Great taht it encompasses Vacancy I was trying to rid it from my retrospect bank. Grit and gore and a storyline that makes u FINK. Ohh how wrong this world can be. Im not going to Bratislava anytime soon.

18th June (3pm) Woke up. Coffee, cereal, bla bla. Thx all for your Facebook Bday sprinkles. High-5 to yas. This was cool tho:

("happy burfday to Jaycen", while squinting)I was touched like beanbag. Dotad00ds, u all rock. <-- Call me a geek and Ill pwn you =D. No, really =/

18th June (Night) Dinner with a Spanish theme. The reason is obvious enough, if not the stark blatant picture.

Hardcore paella and tapas. Hardcorer gang.

Two 2s reads as Yi yi in canto/mandarin. Which reads as Easy easy. Lets hope the coming years reflects my lameass deduction. V(^_^)

Wednesday, 13 June 2007


I like it at the end where he pins the duck down o__0

Monday, 11 June 2007

' . '


This is Bunny. Copy and paste him onto your blogs and signatures to help him gain world domination.

Puma. Hey wait...

Lolz when I saw this at some outdoor market i laughed my guts out. Look at the damn the leopard, hes upside down omg. Gratz to the designer of this shirt for having made my day^^

BTW: Sry for the wierd angle, we had to manuever the camera taking operation so that we don't incur the wrath of the shopkeeper that was staring us to death.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Shrunken head

So yea the shower in my toilet was clogged like a biyatch. By clogged i mean i cant shower for more than 3 mins before it floods and spills out onto the tiled floor and sometimes out to the carpet OUTSIDE the Fun room. In I went through the drain hole thingy to try root out the problem (first time in my 1.5 year tenure at this house). After a major rollicking using the long "straw" part of a used handwash container out popped the problem. Scared the living juice outta me! >3 min showers here i come~

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Broke as fvck

For the second time in the space of 5 months my debit card got swallowed by the machine. While on holiday this time. The difference between this time and the previous occasion is that I managed to recover my account the first time around. This time however I wasnt so lucky. The amazingly efficient HSBC closed all my accounts within it and sent the entire balance back home to my parents. Maybe they planned all this. It is a slight possibility. Anyway, having all my financial resources sucked outta me at present is making me face a frugal life. Luckily Tesco provides lots of buy 17-packs-and-get-0.5-free offers. Anything to save, u know.

Watch your step little lady...